Your Greatest Nemesis
Posted by Billy Beck III · 2 Comments
So October 1st marks the 4th anniversary of BB3 Training Center!
I am excited but not because of the anniversary. I am excited because I have a special surprise for the BB3 team. We are closing the training center from 12pm-5pm. A vehicle will be picking up everyone at precisely 12pm and taking us to an undisclosed location. Upon arriving we will work as a team and perform dangerous feats that require tremendous courage and faith.
The purpose of this excursion is to take our entire staff to the next level to create an even more cohesive force to better serve you.
The only way to achieve this is by conquering everyones greatest nemesis.
It is so easy to coast through life and before you know it, its too late.
Comfort Kills.
It kills dreams. It wastes talent and potential. It prevents you from getting what you want.
It is only when we move beyond comfort and breakthrough fear, can we truly live greatly.
And on Friday, the BB3 Team will be one step closer to doing just that.
Wish us luck and hopefully we all make it back in one piece.
But before I go, let me ask you a question.
Is there an area of your life where you have let comfort rule you?
If so, what action must you take now to blast by the comfort?
Until next week my friends
Billy Beck III
The harder you work the harder it is to surrender.-Vince Lombardi
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