Weighted Vest Leg Workout with Billy Beck III
Posted by Billy Beck III · 3 Comments
How to Use a Weighted Vest — powered by eHow.com
This is an advanced workout targeting the lower body. If you want to burn fat, tone your thighs and increase performance then challenge yourself with this highly effective workout.
Leg Workout you can do at Home or anywhere
Begin by warming-up (without the vest) with this circuit.
A1. Multi-Directional Lunge 3 reps each position
A2. Squats 10 reps
A3. Jump Squats 10 reps
Rest 30-60 seconds
Then if you are ready to take it to the next level put on the weighted vest.
and repeat the circuit two more times for a total of 3 sets.
Work your way up to 5 circuits over a period of 2-4 weeks.