News, Nutrition - Effective Eating

Nutrition Cycling: The Best Diet Ever?

***Special Update: Sample Advanced Fat Burning Protocol and Sample Menu***

First things first, you need to know some of the terminology so watch the video above as it will put you light years ahead of most people in terms of effective nutritional information.

Sample Week

Monday-Tuesday consume FIRE Meals

Wednesday consume FUEL Meals

Thursday-Saturday consume FIRE Meals

Sunday consume FUEL MEALS and a FREE MEAL

How it works

By temporarily removing complex carbohydrates and fruits from your eating plan, the body will burn stored fat at an accelerated rate. Do this too long (beyond 3 days for most people) and the body begins to breakdown muscle tissue and slows metabolism.  Remember too much is not a good thing.  Stick to the plan as outlined for 3 weeks.

Sample Fat Burning Meal Plan

FIRE Breakfast: 3 egg whites & 1 whole egg (cage free) with spinach and 1/8 cup Feta Cheese

FUEL Breakfast: 3 egg whites& 1 whole egg with vegetables and blueberries or apple

FIRE  Mid-AM: Formula-1 Protein (grass fed cows) with 1 tbsp. Greens-X (equal to 5 servings of fruit and vegetables)

FUEL Mid-AM: Formula-1 Protein (grass fed cows) with 1 tbsp. Greens-X and frozen strawberries

FIRE Lunch: Grilled Wild Salmon over Mixed Greens Salad with fresh squeezed lemon and olive oil

FUEL Lunch: Grilled Chicken Breast with baked sweet potato and a steamed vegetables with garlic and lemon

FIRE Mid-Afternoon: Grilled Chicken Tenders and 1/2 avocado

FUEL Mid-Afternoon: Shrimp with lime and sea salt, 1/4 avocado and steamed rice.

FIRE Dinner: Spicy Chili (95% lean grass fed beef, peppers, onions and seasoning)

FUEL Dinner: Spicy Chili (Ground Turkey Breast, Kidney Beans and seasoning)

On this protocol you will not eat within 3 hours of going to bed.


Last week I told you Secret #3 of the 7 Secrets of the Physically Elite.

To review, those who achieve Physical Greatness do this:

Secret #1 Drink at least ½ of your bodyweight in ounces of water per day.

Secret #2 Avoid Processed Foods and Eat Foods Closest to their Natural Source

Secret #3 of the World’s Best Bodies is EAT a RESULTS MEAL 4-6 times per day.


There are 3 types.

  1. FIRE Meals to Detoxify and Burn Fat
  2. FUEL Meals to Build Muscle and Increase Performance
  3. FREE Meals to Keep You Sane

The question that I get a lot is “how do I do this?”

Watch the Video above.

In this video, I share with you specific examples of FIRE, FUEL and FREE Meals as well as how to put them into a complete body transformation plan with my NUTRITION CYCLING PROTOCOL.

Make this Your Best Year Yet!

Live Greatly,


Billy Beck III

P.S. – Be sure to post your questions in the comments section.  I will reply to as many as I can in between clients.  Enjoy!

“Anyone can give up: It’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that’s true strength.” –Theodore Roosevelt

News, Physical Training - Workouts

How To Estimate Your Body Fat Percentage? Calipers or Ultrasound?

How do I Estimate Body Fat Percentage? — powered by

In this video, world renowned fitness trainer, Billy Beck III shares with you two different methods of determining body fat percentage. The first method you can do at home while the second method is the latest technology and is found in only the most cutting edge facilities like BB3 Personal Training & Performance Center and The New York Yankees.  Check out the video to learn more.
Filmed on location in Weston, South Florida at BB3 Personal Training & Performance Center.

Here’s the best deal I found to get the Accu-measure calipers.  It comes with a free Myotape too!

AccuMeasure MyoTape MT05 and AM-3000 Fitness 3000 Personal Body Fat Tester Kit

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