Mental Conditioning

BB3 Breakthrough – 600 Extraordinary People

It was only 1 week ago that I stood before over 600 people teaching what it takes to achieve your all-time best body in less than 90 days.

It was AWESOME!!!

We call this event BB3 Breakthrough and it is my second favorite event of the year.   What’s my favorite?

I will tell you in a moment.

But first the real challenge begins…

After BREAKTHROUGH, our goal is to get as many people as possible committed to giving it their best for the next 90 days.  This is our LEAN & Mean Challenge.

I know that it takes more than one night to transform someone’s body.

It requires small steps each day that make a HUGE difference over time.

And over the next 90 days I am going to share with you those steps as well as stealth strategies, tips and tricks that burn fat, sculpt your body and focus your mind.

Which brings me back to my favorite BB3 Event of the Year…

The LEAN & Mean Challenge Awards Ceremony.

This is where we hear the stories, see the results and realize how we are moving closer and closer to our mission of making the world even more awesome one person at a time.

Before I go let me ask you a question,

It’s the 3rd week of 2011, how’s it going for you? Are you on track to make this your best year ever or are you caught up in the same B.S.?

If you are on track then CONGRATULATIONS!!! Keep it up!

If you are lagging behind do NOT worry.

Worrying is caused when we focus on all of the negatives – the obstacles, the excuses, the problem.

To make the shift from good to great you must focus on what you want.  Not on the problem but on the solution.

Keep your eye on the prize as the saying goes.

Champions know what they want and constantly seek it out.  It is their driving force and the essence of what makes them a champion.

If you want to know how to FORGE an UNBREAKABLE Mindset then read this brief, inspiring article.

In a few days, I will share with you one strategy to eliminate joint pain, increase mental focus and increase metabolism by up to 40%…and it costs virtually nothing.

Most people neglect it.

Until then have an AWESOME week my friend and remember to Live Greatly,


Billy Beck III

P.S. – For those incredible individuals who attended BB3 BREAKTHROUGH last week! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You Rock!

“There are those days when it’s hard to put one foot in front of the other, but those are the days when champions are created.” McNally

Inspiring Quotes, Mental Conditioning, Physical Training - Workouts

The Art & Science of Achieving Your Best Body Ever

The Art & Science of Achieving Your Best Body Ever

As I ran on the beach for my morning workout today I noticed that there were at least 3 times the number of people exercising.  It is January I thought to myself.

About this same time last year I asked myself a question,

“What is the difference between those people who stick to it and get the results they want and those who fail?”

It was not long after that I went back to study my entire past client files.  I have hundreds of these files with measurements, photos, and food and training journals.  I broke them into three groups.

Group 1: People who started but quit

Group 2: People who got Results but then fell off

Group 3: People who achieved their goal and continued their journey of success

Fortunately, there were far fewer people in the first two groups than the last.  However, I still wanted to know what the difference was with the people who achieved and those who failed.

After months of sorting the data, I identified 6 common traits of the physically elite.  These 6 steps comprised the strategy of achieving total body transformation.

There was something missing though.

Then it hit me.  I looked at the people I worked with during my early years as a trainer and coach and then compared it to my clients over the last 5 years.

The difference was most of the clients I worked with when I was in my early twenties gained back most of their weight.  The clients I work with today and in the past 5 years have achieved results and continue to improve – many of them on their own.

This one fundamental shift is the BREAKTHROUGH!
I wish I would have discovered it sooner.

It is the missing 7th Step to Achieving Your All-Time Best Body and Keeping It FOREVER!

You can learn all 7 steps and make this your best year yet on January 13th at our once a year event – BB3 Breakthrough!

We are nearly sold out so be sure to sign up today before it’s too late.

I guarantee you will walk out of the event better than you walked in (and you will have a BLAST!!!)

I am really looking forward to sharing these powerful, life-changing strategies with you.  This is truly the Art & Science of Achieving Your Best Body Ever!

Go to now!

See you next week my friends!

2011 will be your Greatest Year Yet!


Billy Beck III

P.S. – I have two very special guest speakers as well.  One is a coach to thousands of high achievers and the other is quite possibly the Worlds’ Best Built Man!  What they have to share with you is priceless.

“Regardless of what came before or of what has yet to come, what matters most right now is how I choose to respond to the challenge before me. Will I lie down or will I fight? The choice is mine and I choose to Finish Strong.”~Dan Green

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