Inspiring Quotes, Interviews with Champions, Mental Conditioning, News, Nutrition - Effective Eating, Physical Training - Workouts

Get Access to Billy Beck III’s Proven Training & Nutrition Secrets!

Finally, Now You Can Access The Proven Training & Nutrition Secrets

of the Man Voted World’s Best Personal Trainer.

No Fluff, No B.S. This is the REAL DEAL!

After years in the making, an exclusive members only site is almost complete.

Once inside, you will find:

  • Billy’s Proven Training Programs including the MASTER PLAN.
  • Billy’s Guide to ULTIMATE EATING! This document is the blueprint to getting shredded in as little as 90 days!
  • Menus designed by Sports Nutritionist Chef Chris Anderson. These menus were designed for Billy by Chef Chris himself. They precise in the exact macronutrient ratios shown to rid the body of fat while adding lean muscle and increasing performance. This takes all the guesswork away! All the work has been done for you!
  • Exclusive access to articles and protocols not available anywhere else. These include self-assessments to determine your results, fat burning supplement protocols, which supplements to NEVER take and which EVERYONE should take!!!
  • PLUS, Audio Coach Casts with Billy himself. You will be up to date to what Billy is learning, creating and teaching so you will be light years ahead of what everyone else is doing. Billy gets paid $300 for just one consultation. With these coach casts it is like having BB3 right in your corner!
  • This is NOT one of those dry, boring member programs with the same information. This is a MASTERPIECE!
  • New content is added almost daily including training programs, audio coaching clinics, nutrition plans, what foods are the best, which to stay away from like the plague and much much more!

Get your PhD in RESULTS by becoming one of the first to join the PHYSICAL MASTERY TEAM! You will not find  more effective strategies or be more inspired anywhere else!

Get ready… It’s almost complete.

Check back soon for the unveiling of

Be sure to watch the AWESOME intro video there too!

Whether you train at home or at a gym.  It does not matter.

Whether you are a man or woman, it does not matter.

Whether you are young or old.  It does not matter.

Whether you are a professional athlete, competitive bodybuilder or just starting out, it does not matter.

What matters is that you are 100% committed to getting RESULTS and not wasting your time, money or energy!

Dabblers need not apply…this is for those rare souls who are dedicated to being their best and focus on Mastery!


Interviews with Champions

Muay Thai Super Fighter Master Tran interviews Billy Beck III part 2

Location: BB3 Personal Training & Performance Center in Weston, FL – The second part of this entertaining interview with Muay Thai Master and Transformation Expert Master Tran and award-winning personal trainer and coach Billy Beck III. Listen in as they share stories and experiences that you not only enjoy but take with you valuable information to live greatly. You will hear about Billy Walking on Fire! Seriously!

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